
Heather Sheffield and Ellen Balthazar need to be voted OUT.

For the past two year, the Eanes School Board has implemented woke, far-left, divisive policies across the district. Let’s look at just a few examples:

  • They hired a DEI consultant with an extensive background in Critical Race Theory, equity, and culturally responsive leadership—who immediately began injecting CRT into Eanes. He has stated that his goal is to develop people into racial activists.
  • They removed “excellence” from the district’s mission statement and replaced it with the Marxian concept of “equity,” which means “equal outcomes.” (Do you want equal outcomes? That means no matter how hard your child works, the school district is implementing policies focused on equal group outcomes, not individual excellence.)
  • They recommended resources to parents that defined whiteness as something harmful and oppressive: “Whiteness. Socially and politically constructed, whiteness is not simply referring to skin color but is an ideology that reinforces power at the expense of others and strengthens systems of oppression.” Raises questions, yes?
  • The School Board also recommended that everyone read Kendi. Kendi believes that capitalism is racist and should be abolished. Never once has the School Board recommended any non-woke authors (e.g., Sowell or McWhorter or Reilly) to provide balance to the list.
  • The DEI consultant surveyed all the staff to ask whether they worked to be “racist or anti-racist.” This dichotomy is a reflection of a woke world view. He also asked if the Eanes curriculum “recognizes that the US was founded on the racist institution of slavery”—again, a woke world view.
  • They are using covid relief funds (intended to close learning gaps) to purchase software to embed DEI across the curriculum.
  • The superintendent and the DEI consultant have explicitly said that they intend to expand the DEI effort into other areas besides race. Given that the School Board president has pronouns in his Twitter bio, the consultant thinks “non binary” and “fill in the blank” are genders, the School Board listens to Eanes4Equity about batty transgender ideology, and the School Board doesn’t seem to care if teachers promote transgender ideology, you can expect the School Board to start allowing radical gender ideology. (Just like AISD, maybe Eanes will be celebrating Pride Week with drag queens!)

You cannot find any place where the School Board has ever proposed balanced, nonpartisan policies. Instead, they hired a DEI consultant to scold and shame the community. They’ve moved away from excellence at every opportunity. And they’ve indicated that they will not stop.

Look across Mopac at AISD. Every policy that Sheffield, Balthazar, and the rest of the School Board have implemented moves Eanes that direction.

Except, of course, Eanes has a better pool.


I am not a resident of Eanes ISD.  Or am I?  Does it really matter?  Everyone knows that what happens in Eanes does not stay in Eanes.   Because Eanes is one of the wealthiest and best school districts in Texas, it influences education policy, both in other districts and at the state level.  And the residents and graduates of Eanes are leaders across the state and across the nation.  So for all our sakes, it’s really important that Eanes gets it right.  And at the moment, Eanes—most especially the School Board—is not getting it right.  For this reason, whether I am a resident of the district or not, I am writing to sound the alarm.

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