Dr. Gooden’s Survey

During the 2020-21 school year, Dr. Mark Gooden, the Eanes Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity consultant, administered a survey to Eanes ISD employees. The survey can be found on the Eanes website at the end of his report.

For ease of reading, the questions are posted below without formatting.


All of the following come from Dr. Gooden’s report:


Building a Community of Trust Through Developing Racial Awareness:

An Assessment of Climate

Challenges and Opportunities in Eanes ISD

Questions for All

2. What is your mother’s birthdate (MMDDYY)? 

3. What is your gender? 




Fill in the blank _______________

4. What is your race? _________________

5. What is your ethnicity? _______________

6. Do you consider yourself a person of color?

Questions for Central Office, Non-instructional Staff

  1. We actively participate in ongoing work on developing an anti-racist identity as a district. 
  2. Our school district groups students by their ability levels in classes for the purpose of teaching them. 
  3. We have not discussed the historical, pervasive nature of racial bias in our school district. 
  4. Our curriculum recognizes that the US was founded on the racist institution of slavery. 
  5. Race plays an important part in who gets placed in special education courses in our district. 
  6. Race plays an important role in who gets access to advanced courses in our district.
  7. I have noticed the curriculum in our district has a particular bias as it has limited contributions from people of color. 
  8. Our students learn that the legacy of slavery impacts the economic realities of people today. 
  9. Our curriculum prioritizes the contributions of White people while minimizing or excluding contributions of others. 
  10. Because we are a high achieving district and most students are successful, racial inequity is not really an issue. 
  11. I have participated in an assessment of my own racial awareness and I am aware of the results. 
  12. In our district, we are encouraged to be colorblind when it comes to race so that we can treat all students the same. 
  13. Focusing on race can take valuable time away from academics, especially when time is limited. 
  14. I have led equity audits that include disaggregation of race data and establishing concrete measurable goals. 
  15. I have developed an action plan with effective measures of progress and follow-up relative to personal racial equity goals.
  16. In our district, academic achievement is tied to race and socio-economic status of the student. 
  17. Supporting social and emotional learning of students of color is just as important as academic achievement in our district. 
  18. Our district could possibly have a culture of bias that might interfere with the learning of all students.
  19. I have participated in the creation of policies/practices that facilitate the productive development of an anti-racist identity with students. 
  20. In our district, we have created policies/practices that definitely punish bullying of students because of their racial identity. 
  21. We have a racially/ethnically diverse staff in our district. 
  22. In our district, I have created policies/practices that clearly discourage bullying of students because of their racial identity. 
  23. We have created practices that facilitate engaging with families from non-dominant communities.
  24. I have come to the aid of a colleague who clearly was the victim of race-based bullying. 
  25. Everyone who works hard in our district, no matter what race they are, has an equal chance to do well. 
  26. In our district, academic achievement of students of color is an important focus as it is a measure of effectiveness in race work.
  27. Through my direct actions I have worked to ensure our district is a place where students have a sense of belonging, regardless of their race. 
  28. I have supported the collection of resources that facilitate the productive development of an anti-racist identity with families. 
  29. In our district, I have created policies/practices that definitely punish bullying of students because of their racial identity. 
  30. Racial occurrences in our district are rare, isolated situations. 
  31. We have created policies/practices that facilitate the productive development of an anti-racist identity with staff. 
  32. Our district curriculum has been examined to determine whether it perpetuates racial bias. 
  33. I am aware of my racial identity and its impact when engaging with families from non-dominant communities. 
  34. In our district, we have discussed and acknowledged the historical, pervasive nature of racial bias in society. 
  35. We actively engage in ongoing work on our own racial bias in our district. 
  36. Racial awareness is an important goal for all students as it is a key measure of effectiveness for race work with students. 
  37. Race plays a major role in the quality of education that is received at our district. 
  38. In our district, it is important for educators to talk about racism to help work through or solve the district’s issues. 
  39. We have learned how to be actively engaged in ongoing work on our own individual racial biases.
  40. As a district, we have conducted an assessment of our racial awareness and are aware of the results.
  41. Race plays an important role in who gets disciplined and how in our school district. 
  42. Racial awareness is an important goal for all staff as it is a key measure of effectiveness for race work with students. 
  43. As a district, we have conducted equity audits that include disaggregation of race data and establishing of concrete measurable goals. 
  44. We have created policies/practices that facilitate the productive development of an anti-racist identity with students. 
  45. As a district, we have developed an action plan with effective measures of progress and follow-up relative to racial equity goals.
  46. We have created policies/practices that clearly discourage bullying of students because of their racial identity. 
  47. I actively participate in ongoing learning in developing my anti-racist identity. 
  48. We have created resources that facilitate the productive development of an anti-racist identity with families. 
  49. I have searched for professional resources that can facilitate the productive development of an anti-racist identity within my school district. 
  50. We have ensured through our direct actions that our district is a place where students have a sense of belonging, regardless of their race. 
  51. Is there anything else you would like to share about the work in Eanes ISD?

Questions for Campus Leaders, Instructional Staff

  1. Our school groups students by their ability levels in classes for the purpose of teaching them.
  2. Our curriculum recognizes that the US was founded on the racist institution of slavery. 
  3. Race plays an important part in who gets placed in special education courses. 
  4. Race plays an important role in who gets access to advanced courses. 
  5. I have noticed the curriculum used in my school has a particular bias as it has limited contributions from people of color. 
  6. Our students learn that the legacy of slavery impacts the economic realities of people today. 
  7. Our curriculum prioritizes the contributions of White people while minimizing or excluding contributions of others. 
  8. Because we are a high achieving school and most students are successful, racial inequity is not really an issue. 
  9. I have participated in an assessment of my own racial awareness and I am aware of the results. 
  10. At our school, we are encouraged to be colorblind when it comes to race so that we can treat all students the same. 
  11. Focusing on race can take valuable time away from academics, especially when time is limited. 
  12. I have led equity audits that include disaggregation of race data and establishing concrete measurable goals. 
  13. In our school, academic achievement is tied to race and socio-economic status of the student. 
  14. I have developed an action plan with effective measures of progress and follow-up relative to personal racial equity goals.
  15. Supporting social and emotional learning of students of color is just as important as academic achievement in our school. 
  16. Our school could possibly have a culture of bias that might interfere with the learning of all students. 
  17. I have participated in the creation of policies/practices that facilitate the productive development of an anti-racist identity with students 
  18. We have created policies/practices that definitely punish bullying of students because of their racial identity. 
  19. I have created policies/practices that clearly discourage bullying of students because of their racial identity. 
  20. We have a racially/ethnically diverse staff at our school. 
  21. I have come to the aid of a student who clearly was the victim of race-based bullying. 
  22. We have created practices that facilitate engaging with families from non-dominant communities.
  23. Everyone who works hard at our school, no matter what race they are, has an equal chance to do well. 
  24. We have conducted equity audits that include disaggregation of race data and establishing concrete measurable goals. 
  25. In our school, academic achievement of students of color is an important focus as it is a measure of effectiveness in race work.
  26. We have ensured through our direct actions that our school is a place where students have a sense of belonging, regardless of their race. 
  27. I have curated resources that facilitate the productive development of an anti-racist identity with families. 
  28. We have created policies/practices that clearly discourage bullying of students because of their racial identity. 
  29. Through my direct actions I have worked to ensure our school is a place where students have a sense of belonging, regardless of their race. 
  30. We have created resources that facilitate the productive development of an anti-racist identity with families. 
  31. I have created policies/practices that definitely punish bullying of students because of their racial identity. 
  32. Racial occurrences in our school are rare, isolated situations. 
  33. Our curriculum has been examined to determine whether it perpetuates racial bias. 
  34. I am aware of my racial identity and its impact when engaging with families from non-dominant communities. 
  35. We have discussed and acknowledged the historical, pervasive nature of racial bias in society. 
  36. Racial awareness is an important goal for all students as it is a key measure of effectiveness for race work with students. 
  37. We actively engage in ongoing work on our own racial bias in our school. 
  38. Race plays a major role in the quality of education that is received at our school. 
  39. We actively participate in ongoing work on developing an anti-racist identity as a school. 
  40. We have not discussed the historical, pervasive nature of racial bias in our school. 
  41. In our school, it is important for educators to talk about racism to help work through or solve the school’s issues. 
  42. We have created policies/practices that facilitate the productive development of an anti-racist identity with staff. 
  43. As a school, we have conducted an assessment of our racial awareness and are aware of the results. 
  44. We have learned how to be actively engaged in ongoing work on our own individual racial biases.
  45. Race plays an important role in who gets disciplined and how in our school. 
  46. Racial awareness is an important goal for all staff as it is a key measure of effectiveness for race work with students. 
  47. We have developed an action plan with effective measures of progress and follow-up relative to racial equity goals. 
  48. I actively participate in ongoing learning in developing my anti-racist identity. 
  49. We have created policies/practices that facilitate the productive development of an anti-racist identity with students. 
  50. I have searched for professional resources that can facilitate the productive development of an anti-racist identity within my school. 
  51. Is there anything else you would like to share about the work in your school?