In Eanes ISD, the last year has been a contentious one, with conversation after conversation about Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). Despite strong opposition, the leaders of the District continue to steamroll concerned parents and implement divisive policies.
All the while, those leaders—Superintendent Tom Leonard, the seven members of the School Board, consultant Dr. Mark Gooden, and former Westlake principal Linda Rawlings—maintain that Critical Race Theory is not happening in Eanes.
Are the telling the truth?
Either they’re woefully ignorant or they’re just flat-out lying.
But how do we know they’re implementing it? Because Critical Race Theory is infused in the School-Board meetings, across the District website, and, most especially, in all of Dr. Gooden’s work. They are applying it throughout the District. It’s right there for all to see.
Follow this website, and we’ll review those meetings, the website, and, most especially, the work of Dr. Gooden. You’ll understand just how thoroughly the leadership team has already implemented applied CRT across the Eanes School District.